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Kernel Module 历险记

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最近在我大哥儿子@StanPlatinum的指导下搞了个截获/添加syscall的kernel module,在这里稍微记录一下折腾的过程。

SGX Local Attestation 源码分析

25 分钟读完

记一个对于Intel SGX Local Attestation Sample Code的一次Comprehensive的analysis。Warning:这篇文章十分臭长,超级干燥。

Programming Language Review

37 分钟读完

Review what I learned from programming language, a fundamental course of CS. The code is mainly in typed racket, a dialect of scheme.

Neuroscience Notes - Sensory Neurobiology

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What is a sensory system and what does it do? What is the role of a sensory system in behavior? What are some things that a sensory system does not do?