
 April 9, 2021 at 11:03 am


  1. Write recovery file and set flags if needed
  2. Update data and mht nodes if needed
  3. Update meta data node and update flags
  4. Write data to the disk
  • Perform the actual data write in protected_fs_file::write_all_changes_to_disk.
  • LRU cache is used here for performance.
bool protected_fs_file::internal_flush(/*bool mc,*/ bool flush_to_disk)
	if (need_writing == false) // no changes at all
		return true;

	if (encrypted_part_plain.size > MD_USER_DATA_SIZE && root_mht.need_writing == true) // otherwise it's just one write - the meta-data node
		if (_RECOVERY_HOOK_(0) || write_recovery_file() != true)
			return false;

		if (_RECOVERY_HOOK_(1) || set_update_flag(flush_to_disk) != true)
			return false;

		if (_RECOVERY_HOOK_(2) || update_all_data_and_mht_nodes() != true)
			file_status = SGX_FILE_STATUS_CRYPTO_ERROR; // this is something that shouldn't happen, can't fix this...
			return false;

	if (_RECOVERY_HOOK_(3) || update_meta_data_node() != true)
		file_status = SGX_FILE_STATUS_CRYPTO_ERROR; // this is something that shouldn't happen, can't fix this...
		return false;

	if (_RECOVERY_HOOK_(4) || write_all_changes_to_disk(flush_to_disk) != true)
		//if (mc == false)
			file_status = SGX_FILE_STATUS_WRITE_TO_DISK_FAILED; // special case, need only to repeat write_all_changes_to_disk in order to repair it
			//file_status = SGX_FILE_STATUS_WRITE_TO_DISK_FAILED_NEED_MC; // special case, need to repeat write_all_changes_to_disk AND increase the monotonic counter in order to repair it

		return false;

	need_writing = false;

	return true;